The efficiency of the enterprise, associated with mass customer service, largely depends on the optimization of the work of employees and the resources used. Only a few people think about how difficult it is, for example, to plan the work of employees of the enterprise in a mode that allows optimal use of available resources, and regularly keep such schedules up to date. With a help of FB TimeTable, you will easily deal with these tasks.

In this sense, the example of the work of cashiers in a supermarket chain is very illustrative. With an influx of buyers, the lack of tellers leads to queues, reduced quality of service, loss of customers, and, consequently, profit. At the same time, a surplus of cashiers working during the minimum work hours brings net losses. Hence the conclusion: the number of service personnel should correspond to the number of requests coming from customers.

Things to consider when scheduling

FB TimeTable is flexible enough so you can customize it how you need it. Let’s take a call-center as an example and see what should be considered while scheduling:

The main goal of planning is to provide the required number of operators in the workplace to handle calls with the service level specified in the company. When performing this task, the following factors must be considered:

  • There may be several skill-groups of operators in the call center, for which different levels of service are defined. That is, employees of the same category may have different qualifications and specializations.
  • The call center usually employs not only full-time operators but also part-time or time-based operators, as well as those who prefer, for example, night shifts to daytime ones. Moreover, sometimes employees get sick, they may not come to work due to force majeure, they may finally take time off or be simply late/absent.
  • The operator is physically unable to handle calls during the whole shift: he has to interrupt for lunch, tea/coffee, etc. In addition, he can use his working time for training and administrative tasks.
  • When drawing up the schedule, the norms of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, which determine the amount of working time per week and month, must be considered.
  • The number of calls to call centers can vary from day to day, during a week, month, year. Their number is also influenced by the company’s marketing campaigns, disruptions in customer service, equipment operation, etc.

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