How to become visible among other brands? The promotion of a startup in today’s competitive environment is not easy, requiring a lot of attention, and sometimes a lot of investment. But we live in the 21st century, the age of technology. So why not promote your product on social media?

Promoting a startup on the global web is a more complicated process than it seems. If you think that by creating a group on Facebook and describing all the advantages of the product you have already done a great job, then you are deeply mistaken. When promoting a startup on the Internet, you need a special approach to each project. For example, some startups cannot be promoted on social networks, and not every social network is suitable for your product.

Which social network should you choose?

First of all, you need to determine whether your target audience matches the characteristics and composition of the audience of certain social networks – the average age, place of residence, interests, and professional affiliation of their users. It is known that the audience is different on different social networks.

Twitter users are more focused on sharing news and discussing various news. It is convenient to use it for prompt posting of information about company news and promotions, for quick communication with consumers.

For Instagram users, the main thing is the picture. It is an excellent service that allows brands to find customers and allows ordinary users to be creative and share ideas with the world.

Next, you should develop a clear plan and strategy. You need to understand and define the goals and objectives of your social media presence. What would you like to achieve in general? Which audience to win and how? Make a list of parameters by which we could track the effectiveness of our actions, and also make sure that all the necessary information is collected accurately. Determine what users can expect from your brand, how you would like other users to perceive you.

Define the target audience by first selecting the appropriate subject of the messages, since we need people interested in the goods and services of your company. These messages should cover an area related to your business. This will attract the attention of the readers we need, who can potentially become your customers. Using the search, find thematic groups, join them or subscribe and start actively interacting with their readers. Your credibility in the eyes of your target audience will grow and you will have new friends and readers.

Study your competitors!

Collect all the information about them – how they position themselves, how they behave on social networks, what messages they publish, how they promote themselves.

Make your account interesting:

Write lively, engagingly, provide useful links, illustrate the text with pictures and videos. Ask questions, ask about products, services, or pages on social networks. Be interesting and useful to your readers. Write creatively, as creativity is the most important component of any successful PR and promotion. Become an opinion leader: comment on news and events related to your industry, write about the latest news and research. Strive to be the authoritative expert for your readers

Reater revenue from your target audience

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